Day One FM Presents "Are We Aligned?"

Say Hello to Our New Podcast.
This summer, you might have caught the drop of our first audio edition of Day One’s Perspective Quarterly. Suffice to say, it got us hooked on audio.
On that note, we’re excited to launch our new audio platform, Day One FM, with a brand new recurring podcast, Are We Aligned? In each episode, we’ll unpack a new trend in digital culture from different points of view and see if we can align on just what it all means.
To kick things off, Day One Senior Creative Strategist Adaobi Ugoagu sat down with Editorial Director and in-house Instagram expert Trey Taylor to dive into the world of IG curator accounts and the new opportunities they open up for collaborating with brands.
Tune in to Are We Aligned? to learn more. We’ve got some exciting future audio content in the works, so follow us on Spotify for new episodes.