LGBTQ+ Pride Month Alphabet

LGBTQ Pride Month Alphabet
Day One Agency

To celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month, we’ve crafted our own version of the LGBTQ+ alphabet, where each letter below represents a word that shines a light on the important symbols, phrases, historical moments and places that encourage understanding and inclusivity of this bright community.

Letters & Definitions:

  • A - Ally: A person who is not LGBTQ+ but shows support for LGBTQ+ people and promotes equality in a variety of ways. Source
  • B - Boystown: Famous gay neighborhoods in both LA’s West Hollywood and Chicago’s Lakeview Source
  • C - Christopher Street Liberation Day (1970): Considered the first gay pride parade.
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  • D - Drag: The act of performing a gender or presenting as a different gender, usually for the purpose of entertainment (i.e. drag kings and queens). Source
  • E - Eleganza Extravaganza: Pure elegance, from the runway category on RuPaul’s Drag Race
  • F - Femme: A queer person of any gender or orientation who presents and acts in a traditionally feminine manner Source
  • G - Gilbert Baker: Artist, activist, and creator of the rainbow Pride flag. Source
  • H - Harvey Milk: The first openly gay man to be elected to a political office in California
  • I - Inclusive Language: The use of words that are gender-nonspecific, including pronouns like “they or ze” and nouns like “partner.”
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  • J - Just Like Us: Is a LGBTQ+ charity for young people Source
  • K - Kinsey Scale: A scale from 0 to 6 used to describe the spectrum of sexuality. While revolutionary in 1948, many now believe that it perpetuates negative bi+sexual stereotypes Source
  • L - Los Angeles Advocate: the oldest continuing LGBTQ+ publication (now called The Advocate), founded in 1967
  • M - Marriage: Same-sex marriage was legalized in the U.S. in 2015.
  • N - Non-binary: A wide spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine
  • O - Obergefell v. Hodges: The landmark 2015 Supreme Court case that guaranteed the right to marry to same-sex couples nationwide
  • P - Pride: Pride is a celebration of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning people as a social group
  • Q - Questioning: A term used to describe people who are in the process of exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity. Source
  • R - Rainbow Flag: The rainbow flag is a symbol of LGBT pride and social movements. It was designed by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978. Source
  • S - Stonewall Riots: The 1969 riots originated at the NYC gay club and served as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world. Source
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  • T - Tim Cook: The CEO of Apple, the world’s first trillion-dollar company, was the first openly gay CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Source
  • U - Unite: Pride Month unites us, ensuring that our community feels represented, understood and heard.
  • V - Victory: The Triumphant Gay Revolution: How a Despised Minority Pushed Back, Beat Death, Found Love, and Changed America for Everyone - The novel by Linda Hirshman traces the history of gay rights from the early 20th century to the present.
  • W - Wisconsin’s: Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay U.S. senator in history. Source
  • X - “X” Gender Marker: In 2017, D.C. residents became the first U.S. citizens to be able to choose X as their gender marker instead of male or female on their driver's licenses
  • Y - Year 2015: The year the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage and legalized it in all fifty states. Source
  • Z - Ze/Zir: Gender neutral pronouns that can be used as an alternative to “he/she” and “his/hers.” (See also: ze/hir, xe/zem) Source