D1 A Perspectives Header Ticketstothe Metaverse 11 29

Tickets to the Metaverse

The metaverse: a wonderland where cartoon apes take Manhattan, a giant Ariana Grande rules like a goddess, we’ll all do zoom calls in space, and maybe a bunch of anonymous investors just buy the constitution.

But how to get there? One big ticket will certainly be NFTs—those “non-fungible tokens” that currently let users own digital art but will most certainly act as multi-purpose passports to the metaverse in the very near future.

To cap off our month on all things metaverse, here’s a special podcast episode in which VP of Story William Rauscher tries to get his head around the future of NFTs with the help of Senior Director of Digital Strategy and unofficial agency metaverse buff Micah Kulish. Micah fills us in on the goings-on at the recent NFT NYC conference, aka crypto Comic-Con, sheds light on how NFT culture is driving the future of the metaverse (and something called “web3”), and provides some useful tips for how brands can make the most of this thrilling, confounding, and rapidly expanding space.

Listen to learn more—and see you in the ‘verse.