'One Offs' with Adam Faze: "Enough with Tiny Mics"

  • Text Eli Williams & Clara Malley
  • Design Jasmine Bae

We’re kicking things off with this week’s guest, Adam Faze. He’s the head coach and co-founder of Gymnasium: the production studio behind “Boy Room”, “Bodega Run”, and “Clockwork Dynasty.

Tune into Day One FM for more on why “viral” doesn’t mean anything anymore, how Gymnasium finds and platforms next-gen talent, and what brands get right (and wrong) in appealing to a Gen Z audience.

And in the meantime, enjoy Adam’s one-off takes.

Social niche or account we should all tap into?

This one is a new one that I just found. It's called Anthony's Arcade Repair. It's a guy who just repairs arcade games. I'm a sucker for arcade games. I love an arcade. I will say it's a little like, I almost don't want to know the magic of these things. But it's amazing.

And there's this woman named Molly McPherson, who’s a publicist that I've watched forever on TikTok, but I could listen to her talk for days. I love the way that she speaks. She speaks so eloquently about PR issues and how she would respond to certain news, like “what would you do for Joe Biden right now?”

Offline-ish recommendation?

My favorite show right now is a show called Couples Therapy. I am obsessed. It's heartbreaking, because I think it makes you look at your own relationships differently. You want to shake these people sometimes to be like, “stop being a child,” but come away like it's fine. You're gonna figure it out.

What’s your screen time like?

Just like, as bad as it possibly can be. The worst thing about TikTok for me is like I will go on at 11pm being like “let me just get a quick hour.” And I'm on it til like four in the morning. The video like, “you've been on here for too long,” I'll see five of them in a session. I've watched the sun come up because I couldn't get off TikTok. It is bad.

Hottest take you’ve got?

There's all these inventions like this brick phone and it's not going to have these apps on it. We all love our phone time. I think our phone time is religious. Catching up on your phone after being in a movie for two hours is like one of the greatest feelings that exists today. So that's my hot take and I really love phone time.

Internet gripes you’d prosecute?

The tiny microphone. Enough, enough. It's not a thing that helps you in the algorithm. Someone somewhere said that if you get a tiny microphone to help you. It looks so ridiculous. Stop doing it. Just get a Lav mic.