10 Latinx Creators You Should Be Following

At Day One, we are passionate about Fresh Perspectives and are committed to amplifying diverse voices. When we looked at the influencer landscape and the partnerships these voices garnered, we noticed a gap in representation. That’s why, in 2019, we created The Ones to Know — a curated resource of creators, artists, athletes, innovators, change makers, and storytellers from diverse communities who are stopping us in our scrolls. The Ones to Know was created to elevate the voices of creators and storytellers from underrepresented, minority communities.
Now that Latinx Heritage Month is in full swing, we’re excited to continue celebrating the contributions that members of the Latinx community make in our society and culture. Of the countless Latinx creators we’re inspired by, these 10 are some of our favorites:
1. Sherly Tavarez, @sherlytavarez: Sherly is an Afro-Latina fashion stylist and entrepreneur who founded @hauseofcurls to empower curly-haired people everywhere. After embarking on her own natural hair journey and finding confidence in her curls, she decided to create the apparel line to match her energy.
2. Gabriel García Román, @gbrlgrcrmn: Gabriel is a self-described Mexican-Amaricón artist thriving in NYC as a printmaker, cyclist, image maker, yogi and craftsman. He has received praise for his recent photographic series, Queer Icons, that highlights queer and trans people of color who are artists, poets and activists
3. Linda Yvette Chávez, @lindayvettechavez: Linda is an award-winning screenwriter and producer, and she is the co-creator of @Gentefied on Netflix. Linda is also known for her advocacy, demanding and working toward greater representation of diverse groups on television.
4. Sasha Marie, @sashamvrie: Sasha is an incredibly talented DJ who curates mixes and creates soundscapes that gives her listeners a unique take on a specific mood. As a queer woman of color, she advocates for more inclusivity in the music festival circuit.
5. Jeannette Reyes, @msnewslady: Jeannette is an Afro-Latina who tells stories for a living as a news anchor on 6 ABC Action News in Philadelphia. On TikTok, she has built a community by sharing videos around her career journey and family life.
6. Robin Arzón, @robinnyc: Robin is a Cuban-Puerto Rican fitness superstar, New York Times bestselling author and Type-1 diabetic. The former lawyer turned Peloton instructor has built a loyal following through her vibrant and inspirational spirit.
7. Alán Lopez, @migrantscribble: Alán is an AfroIndigenous poet, installation and adornment artist from Oaxaca, México. They are an outspoken advocate committed to supporting and uplifting the voices of Black LGBTQIA+ immigrants.
8. Marcella Arguello, @marcellacomedy: Marcella is an LA-based comedian and the host of Women Crush Wednesdays, what she calls “the hottest and most diverse stand up show in Los Angeles.” Through her stand up and top-tier Twitter account, @marcellacomedy, she has a talent for making people laugh.
9. Josh Pacheco, @joshpachecophotography: Josh is a Brooklyn-based artist, choreographer and photojournalist. With a love for visual and performing arts, Josh has undeniable talent with dance and concert photography.
10. Valentina Padilla, @sunflowervalentine: Valentina is an outspoken DACA recipient who works as a social media project manager and ensures there’s inclusivity and representation in all of the campaigns she manages. She is also passionate about sustainability and founded @thankyouplantbasedgod to offer plant-based nutrition tips to others.
This list is non-exhaustive, and we encourage you to spend time looking for and following creators from the Latinx community who inspire you. Even after Latinx Heritage Month ends, it’s important to continue uplifting and making space for these voices.